JULY 2017 National People’s Party (NPP) leadership comprising of Dzikamai Mavhaire and George Mudombo at her homestead in Gwenyanya village. It is suspected that Mavhaire and Mudombo lured Nyahuni to join the NPP and this did not go down well with Madungwe. Madungwe also accused Mutero of being a spy after it was established that she always attends ZanuPF meetings and is a known member. On 26 July it was reported that the ZanuPF ward 16 youth chairperson Namiel Gumbu threatened councillor *Emanuel Shumba with unspecified action at a meeting held at Masunda South primary school in Chivi Central. Shumba was accused of worsening divisions in ZanuPF and belonging to Lacoste faction. This meeting is alleged to have been disrupted by the other ZanuPF youths who were suspected to have been hired by Gumbu. Threat level: Low School heads in Chivi Central were requested to collect Heroes Day contributions from teachers on 6 July. It is alleged that this is said to be an important annual requirement. A register of all those who would have contributed is expected to be submitted at the Chivi District Education Office (DEO). All the money contributed is expected to be submitted at a meeting for school heads on 12 July. The Chivi DEO, Kenias Zendera, circulated this requirement to all school heads. In Chivi Central at Gwenyanya village ward 16, it was reported that Jairos Gwenyanya who is the kraal head threatened *Willard Zinomwe with unspecified action while at a traditional ceremony on 28 July. Gwenyanya said Zinomwe skipped protocol by holding the event without notifying him as kraal head. Gwenyanya went on and said all those who are going to have such activities without notifying him will be regarded as opposition supporters. It was reported that on 17 July in Gutu Central Munangarwa village, *Moven Chishawa a ZanuPF village committee member was intimidated and harassed by Admire Munangarwa. Chishawa and Munangarwa are both said to be eyeing the position of councillor in the 2018 elections on a ZanuPF ticket. It is alleged that Munangarwa said he would set Mutikani’s homestead ablaze if he loses this candidature to him. Munangarwa then allegedly also said if he fails to lend this position he is going to set many homesteads ablaze, including those of people that he suspects to be campaigning for Chishawa. Category of incident Theft/looting Discrimination Intimidation/harassment Disrupted political meeting July 2017 1 1 13 1 June 2017 2 1 4 0 On 22 July, in Bikita East, it was reported that *Moira Dunduza a ward 18 junior councillor and form 3 student at Masekai secondary school was forced to attend a ZanuPF rally. She was approached while she was at her home and ordered to attend the ZanuPF rally that was held at Chikuku area. The rally was held to express gratitude toward procurrement of new water taps, which were given to a few homesteads by the Bikita East MP, Kennedy Matimba. It is alleged that at the rally Dunduza was also forced to distribute ZanuPF T-shirts. It is alleged that *Monica Nyahuni was threatened by Howard Madungwe at Chivi Business Centre on 23 July. It was reported that this threat came against the background of Nyahuni having been visited by the Threat level: Low In Binga North, Chief Saba is reported to have called a meeting for village heads at his home for them to 18

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