Zanu PF Women’s League executive members, were “unrepentant” as they turned on their leaders and accused them of benefiting from the councillor themselves. • On 19 September 2015, vendors at Mupedzanhamo, Mbare Musika and Siya- So markets were forced to close their stalls to go to Stoddart Hall for body viewing of late Zanu PF cadre and national hero, Dr Sikhanyiso Ndlovu. As has become “normal” in such instances, the vendors dared not resist as doing so could result in them losing their market stalls. The markets were closed from 7 am up until the end of the president burial speech around lunch time, making the vendors forcibly miss a half day of “work”. • Former legislator and Zanu PF chairperson for Mashonaland East, Kaukonde, who was dismissed from the ruling party early this year, addressed residents in Mabvuku –Tafara on 27 September 2015. He was campaigning for People First party which is believed to be fronted by Mujuru. Witnesses say the turnout was quite high. Although the meeting, which ended around 5 pm, had police presence, there were no disruptions during the proceedings. However, a few hours later around 8 pm police descended at old Tafara bus terminus and beat up three people who were chatting there. They inquired what these residents were doing and harassed the general public. There were about 15 officers, witnesses say. A few days later, on Thursday 1 October 2015, the truck descended again in the same area and the officers randomly slapped residents in their faces and left. It is believed that they wanted to intimidate residents who were excited after Kaukonde addressed them. • Zanu PF members are allegedly blocking other people or government departments from using the Glen View 3 community centre saying it is exclusively for their party. Whenever other people gather for an event at the centre, Zanu PF members group around and declare that they have an event at the centre. The Social Welfare Department failed to have a Family Health Club meeting on 28 September 2015. Some Zanu PF women allegedly came to disrupt the meeting stating that the centre was for the party. It is believed that the party wants to turn the centre into their base. The Family Health Club often meets to discuss the welfare of orphans and vulnerable children. • Some Zanu PF members led by one, Chatima, are allegedly targeting a wetland area behind Dzivarasekwa High 2 School to parcel out and sell. According to Environmental Management Agency (EMA), that particular piece of land is indeed protected. Members of Zanu PF have been registering for allocations of parcels of land in this area. It is understood that they will at a later date be instructed to pay US$50. A temporary cabin and a flag have been erected in that space. As is the case with such schemes, the housing cooperative is set to allocate pieces of the said land to only members of the Zanu PF party. To benefit from the scheme, members should have party cards. • On 28 September 2015, some MDC-T supporters allegedly harassed and chased away Zanu PF members from Area G Community Hall in Mufakose. They allegedly claimed that the hall was allocated to their party by the government. The Zanu PF 14

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