would be a reminder for powers that be that citizens deserve selfless leaders who care about the legacy that will identify them. The visit to Zimbabwe by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association, Mr. Clément Nyaletsossi Voule, from 17-27 September 2019 was a highlight of the month. The Special Rapporteur visited the country at the invitation of the government of Zimbabwe. His visit came at a time when Zimbabwe was experiencing all the negatives where these freedoms are concerned. Following the intention to demonstrate by the Movement for Democratic Change- Alliance (MDC-A) in all the major cities of Zimbabwe the country was hit by a spate of abductions of human rights and political activists. The demonstrations slated to start in Harare on August 16 were all banned, with the demonstrators in the capital facing police’s heavy handedness and brutality as they were dispersed from where they had peacefully gathered. The visit also coincided with demonstrations by Doctors demanding the return of their colleague, Dr. Magombeyi who had been abducted. His visit presented an opportunity for citizens to engage with him on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. In the month of September ZPP recorded a total of 184 violations. Cases of harassment and intimidation topped the list with a total of 94 violations followed by discrimination with 33 and theft with 21. The province of Mashonaland Central recorded the highest number of these violations followed by Harare and Mashonaland West. Case File Highlights Food and Other Aid violations are still being recorded by ZPP despite government’s declaration that local leaders must not be directly involved in the disbursement of aid. On 7 September in Mudzi South at Muvhurazi Primary School Ward 13, some beneficiaries failed to get their food allocation after being told that their 2018 voter registration slips were their passports to receive the Department of Social Welfare allocation of beans. Zanu PF Ward 13 Councillor reportedly forced villagers to produce voters’ slips before the distribution. Households with voter slips were allocated a 5kg bag of sugar beans each while those who failed to do so were denied aid. In some instances, those in leadership positions are using the food and other aid beneficiary system as a carrot and stick to coerce people into participating in community initiatives that they might not be interested in. On 6th of September in Umzingwane Constituency in Sezhube, Village Head Sitshengisiwe Sibanda threatened to remove a number of villagers from the Social Welfare beneficiary list. Sibanda called a village meeting to threaten and intimidate citizens who had failed to pay ZWL10 for the construction of the Chief Cultural Village stating that those who have not done so risk being removed from the Social Services beneficiary list.

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