Overall Analysis Dr Magombeyi’s abduction came as a rude awakening and a revelation of how far suppression of dissent can go. Sadly, the abduction was not shocking to say the least, considering steep rise in abduction and torture cases noted in the month of August. The intimidation of Magombeyi is also a reminder of how Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) President Obert Masaraure was abducted and tortured in June 2019 while Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) members received a threatening note with live bullets in July 2019. These violations are a clear indication that there is a determination to suppress dissent. There are worrying binary positions between what the government said about Magombeyi’s abduction. On the one hand, there are repeated calls that the abduction was perpetuated by a ‘third force/hand’ while on the other hand there is a concerted chorus to deem the abduction ‘fake’. The question that then comes to mind is, why are there such stringent efforts to deem the abduction fake if the perpetrators are known? The continued repressive leadership was noted by UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association, Mr. Clément Nyaletsossi Voule, on his visit to Zimbabwe from 17-27 September. Voule noted that, “I believe that the long-awaited hopes are fading. The population is now questioning the Government’s capacity to bring about such changes. They feel they have not experienced concrete and tangible results. On the contrary, I have perceived from my different meetings around the country, that there is a serious deterioration of the political, economic and social environment since August 2018 resulting in fear, frustration and anxiety among a large number of Zimbabweans.” This adverse report by a UN special rapporteur invited by the government shows that the cracks of this administration are showing while the façade of respecting and honoring civil liberties is fast slipping. Violent encounters experienced between artisanal miners and community members have been brewing for quite a while. ZPP had consistently documented violations perpetuated by mining gangs such as Mashurugwi, MaGokwe and MaNdevere. In a number of instances they are reported to have led to the murder of gang members and innocent civilians. What has further raised people’s ire is that law enforcement agencies seem unable to stem the lawlessness leading to civilians taking the matter into their hands. ZPP calls upon relevant authorities to get ahead of this situation before it spirals out of control and prevent further loss of life. The fact that these gangs associate themselves with politicians and boast of protection is worrying as the rights of citizens are abused as personal security is not guaranteed while dignity is also lost.

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