Food for Work Programme received aid without political interference. All government stakeholders are involved in the selection of beneficiaries. A meeting was held in Chikomba Central on 22 October for compilation of names for the beneficiaries of the Presidential Farming Input Scheme. The Councillor for ward 20 declared that inputs will only be received by staunch members of Zanu PF. Mashonaland West Villagers in Makonde in Laighaims, Maware and Manyamba who were registering for inputs donated by the First Lady Grace Mugabe were required to purchase Zanu PF electronic cards worth $2. Those who did not purchase the cards were considered as opposition members. Shupikai Dube and Musha Marapira of Zanu PF spearheaded the process. One of the headmen Tongai Musona told people that those with no cards would not get seed and fertilizer. In Hurungwe West Councillor Matthew Tichaona Huni, Richard Matenga and Maxwell Matimba of Zanu PF were forcing villagers to get party membership cards and contribute towards the congress to be held in December. Households were forced to pay $5 towards the congress and another $5 for the party card in order to receive inputs donated by the First Lady, Grace Mugabe. In another meeting Trymore Dhakwa of Mhangura addressed meetings where residents were forced to buy Zanu PF party cards for them to receive inputs from the GMB. 4

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