Watchlist Labour Union organisations such as ARTUZ, ZCTU as well as MDC have expressed a willingness to continue to protest the continued deterioration of living conditions. Considering the reaction by the state in the August demonstrations, ZPP anticipates that this will lead to more contention and conflict. ZPP continues to monitor and document the situation as it unfolds. Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has announced that Glenview South and Mangwe by-elections will be held on the 7th of September. ZPP has already begun to receive reports of violations and will continue to monitor the situation amid indications that the ruling party is drilling boreholes in Glenview South using the District Development Fund (DDF) in what is perceived as a vote buying gimmick considering the timing. On the 25th of August ruling party activists were also noted distributing rice to the public together with aspiring Glenview South candidate, Offard Muchuwi. As the third school term beckons, ZPP is alert to the recent concession of fees increases by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education. This comes on the backdrop of depressed economic conditions for the common man, which may likely lead to defaulting of school fees payments. It will be particularly difficult for those affected by the August 1 2018 violence as injured victims are failing to provide for their families and those who lost breadwinners are stranded with no one to pay their fees. Although government states that Ministries of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare have been tasked to help victims, a snap survey of the affected presents a dismal picture as more than 50% of the affected are neither aware of the fund nor have received any communication from government. ZPP hopes that government shall expeditiously compensate these victims as per their promise and will continue to monitor and document progress made in this regard. ZPP calls for:  Political leaders to move from their positions and consider the welfare of citizens who are hard hit by the deteriorating economy. Inclusive dialogue will help resolve the Zimbabwean crisis.  Citizens to desist from a culture of using violence to solve disputes. An eye for an eye will lead to a blind nation. Zimbabwe has one of the most progressive Bill of Rights in the region and the state may do well to allow citizens to enjoy their rights fully.  A genuine commitment and action in ensuring that food aid is distributed fairly and in a non-partisan manner.

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