Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Mashonaland East The month of March was marred by violence across the Mashonaland East province during the Zanu PF primary elections. Zanu PF candidates jostled against each other for local government and parliamentary seats. The elections were characterised by violence and irregularities across the province. The race for power resulted in the use of violence among Zanu PF candidates and this was an indicator that the upcoming harmonised elections are going to be more violent. Zanu PF candidates threatened, harassed and intimidated each other and in some instances death threats were also issued. The need by Zanu PF activists to control and cling to power in communities across the province also led them into harassing citizens and opposition supporters particularly CCC members. On 17 March a violation on the right to personal security was reported at Chinhanga Primary School in Maramba Pfungwe. During a Zanu PF primary elections campaign meeting, Pamela Chigwida allegedly assaulted a man. During the interactions Chigwida grabbed the victim by the collar with the intention of clapping him, leading to a verbal exchange ensuing. In Wedza North at Bita Farm Ward 4 on 17 March Itayi Ndudzo a Zanu PF aspiring MP and his campaign team visited the sitting Member of Parliament for Wedza North David Musabayana with unclear intentions. Soon after arriving a verbal exchange and fist fight ensued with the supporters from the different camps throwing stones and logs at each other. One woman was seriously injured in the scuffle and was rushed to hospital. The matter was reported to the police however no arrests were reported. Mashonaland West Mashonaland West was extremely volatile during the women’s month of March. The Zanu PF primary elections provided a violent narrative with seasoned politicians losing in the elections. Sitting members of parliament among them Mary Mliswa, Philip Chiyangwa, Dexter Nduna and Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi failed to retain their party tickets to represent the party in the harmonised elections. Their unpopularity among citizens was evidenced by them being voted out in constituencies they have had years of dominance and political control. On 22 March in Ward 24 Chegutu West, rival supporters of Chegutu West MP Dexter Nduna and aspiring Member of Parliament Farai Chigavazira were involved in a bloody fight.Nduna accused his rival Chigavazira of hiring thugs to beat up his supporters who were attending a campaign meeting. One of Nduna’s campaign team members was reportedly abducted, drugged and tortured. On 22 March in Sanyati at Kasisiri Business Centre in Ward 10 Zanu PF youths were involved in a violent scuffle after Zanu PF Legislator Polite Kambamura reportedly hired youths to disrupt a Zanu PF primary elections meeting. The youths assaulted aspiring MP Magwaba’s supporters. One of the youths identified as Rwambiwa assaulted Douglas Musona with a log leaving him nursing serious injuries. The incident was reported to Nyimo police; however, no arrest was made. This is despite Hon Kambamura being issued with a warrant of arrest for a similar charge in February. MARCH 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 25

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